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EdBlocks Lessons

These lessons are a great introduction to using the Edison Robots. The lessons are designed for beginners at coding. Older students (Grades 4-8) can progress trough the lessons quickly and move on to the EdScratch Lessons.

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Welcome to EdBlocks

Learn to use the Edblocks programming app. Learn to assemble blocks to make a program. Practice making a program at

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Let's Download a Program

Learn to use the Edblocks programming app to download your program onto your Edison. Watch Edison do what you program it to do! 

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Let's Drive

Program Edison to drive forward to cross a finish line. Discover how to control how far edison can go. The objective is to put edison on the start line and see how close it can get to stopping on the finish line. 

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Let's Turn

Program Edison to turn left and right. Discover how to change the time value in seconds to control the turn. First, turn 90 degrees and then turn completely around.

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Let's Try a Maze

Program Edison to turn left and right and go straight to follow a path. Students can start with the small path provided on a printed paper, then they can draw their own path. Students can try each other's paths. Each path is a new puzzle.

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Let's Follow a Line

Program Edison to follow a line. Then, draw a path for Edison to follow.

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Let's Stop at a Black Line

Program Edison to stop when it reaches a black line. Then, draw a black line for Edison to stop on. Then try programming Edison to stop on lines of different colors.

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Let's Make Noise

Program Edison to start doing its program when you clap. First, create your program then give a clap to watch Edison go!

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Let's Use the Lights

Program Edison's lights to turn on and off. You can create your own patterns of blinking lights.

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Let's Detect Obstacles

Program Edison's to not bump into objects using its infrared light sensors. Conduct an experiment to see what types of objects and colors Edison can see and what objects and colors it can not see. Take notes on your observations.

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Let's Detect and Avoid

Program Edison to turn around before it bumps into something. Create a motion command for Edison to do to get away from obstacles once Edison detects something.

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Let's Stay in the Borders

Program Edison to stay within the lines of a black box. Students can create a motion path command to help Edison back up and turn away when it reaches a black line.

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Let's Make Music

Build legos on top of Edison to turn it into an ice cream truck. Program Edison to make music as it drives around. Can you make a good ice cream truck song with your robot?

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Let's Perform

Program Edison to make a song, then program it to play the song when it detects a light. Decorate or dress Edison up to perform in the spotlight. You can program edison to dance too!

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Let's Avoid the Light

Program Edison to go away from a flashlight. Then play the cockroach game. Use legos to make your edison robot a bug. Draw a circle and have everyone put their Edison robots in the circle. Each student can use their flashlight to try to keep their robot in the circle and to push all the other robots out of the circle. 

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Let's Have a Dance Party

Program Edison to receive a pink envelope message and begin to dance. The teacher will have to program their robot to send out a the message. When the teacher presses the button on their edison, all the student's robots will begin to move and the dance party will begin!

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